This site is for sharing my photography.


Comments on: "Red Tulip" (28)

  1. Beautiful! The center of a flower like this takes your breath away!

  2. Are tulips up yet in Jamestown??

  3. Crooked Tracks said:

    Lovely color 🙂

  4. really reaches out and grabs you!! like an orange hand…:)

  5. you’re a true artist, Grégory… I’m serious.
    * * *
    my tulips are almost gone…

  6. Tulips must be in bloom now in the northern hemisphere. This photo is a gem. You have captured its beauty so well.

  7. I just finished walking my dog and I saw some tulips along the way. This is beautiful! 🙂

  8. Delightful! I’ve just tweeted it 🙂

  9. I’ve just tweeted this and another post about red flowers. 🙂

  10. Tweeted this and the red rose. 🙂

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